Latest Diabetes Technology

Latest Diabetes Technology

Latest Diabetes Technology

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) CGM, commonly known as blood suga monitoring, automatically tracks blood glucose levels throughout the day and night through a button-like device that is fixed to a person’s arms.

  • ✅ You may view your glucose level at a glance at any moment.
  • ✅ You may look at how your glucose levels fluctuate over a few hours or days to determine if there are any diet or activity changes.
  • ✅ Seeing your glucose levels in real-time can help you make more educated decisions about how to balance your meals, physical activity, and medications throughout the day.

CGM works by inserting a small sensor (almost painless cannula) beneath your skin, commonly on your abdomen or arm. The sensor detects interstitial glucose, which is glucose contained in the fluid between cells. Every few minutes, the sensor checks the glucose level. Data are wirelessly sent to a monitor by a transmitter.

FreeStyle Libre 3

Freestyle Libre 3 no longer requires any sensor scanning to provide real-time glucose readings, meaning it has full CGM functionality. Freestyle Libre 3 displays a real-time glucose reading every minute on the compatible mobile app on iPhone or Android. It is 70 percent smaller, uses 41 percent less plastic and has customisable alarms.