
Medtronic Insulin Pump

An insulin pump is a small device that mimics some of the ways a healthy pancreas works. It delivers continuous and customized doses of rapid-acting insulin 24 hours a day to match your body's needs. The pump provides insulin to your body in two ways:

  • 1. Basal Rate: Small amounts of insulin are released continuously throughout the day to mimic the background insulin production of the pancreas
  • 2. Bolus Rate: Additional insulin is delivered on demand to match the food you are going to eat or to correct high blood sugar.


Some Insulin pump automatically adjusts background (basal) insulin based on sensor glucose readings to prevent both hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Sigi™ patch pump

Sigi™ works with prefilled insulin cartridges (so filling reservoirs will become a thing of the past) and is controlled directly from your Smartphone. Simply insert a new insulin cartridge into your patch pump and click it back on. Sigi™ will connect with CGM and Sigi™ patch pumps are kinder to the planet as each user receives 2 rechargeable Sigi™ pumps, which last for years. Sigi™ is not yet FDA approved or CE marked, so is not available on the market yet, but it looks pretty sleek and sounds promising.

How The Artificial Pancreas Works

The artificial pancreas, or closed-loop insulin delivery system, continuously monitors blood sugar levels, calculates the amount of insulin required, and automatically delivers insulin through a pump.

The artificial pancreas, or closed-loop system, lets your insulin pump ‘talk’ to your continuous glucose monitor (CGM). Based on your blood sugar levels, and the direction they’re heading, the device will automatically adjust the amount of insulin your pump is delivering.

The technology has the potential to change lives, making living with diabetes easier and helping people have more stable blood sugar levels.